Tips for your Fresh News! Report

Complete the following steps to view your Fresh News! Report.

  1. Go to and login with your current MyOffice (Jenkon) username and password.
  2. Once logged in, click on Newsletter in the left menu
  3. Select the report tab
  4. At the top you can select the month you wish to view and use the radio button to select the report you wish to view.
  5. The following reports are available:
    - Sent To List: Includes the list of all customers the message was sent to.
    - Unsubscribed List: Includes the list of all customers that have unsubscribed from the newsletter.
    - Opened List: Includes the list of all customers that have opened the newsletter.
    - Unique Clicks List: Includes the list of all customers that have clicked on a link in the newsletter.
  6. Within the newsletter there are several places a person can click. The following describes those actions:
    - Unsubscribed: Clicked link at bottom to unsubscribe.
    - ClickShop: Clicked link to go to your personal website.
    - ClickHost: Clicked link to go to your personal website.
    - ClickJoin: Clicked link to go to your personal website.
    - ClickBodyShop: Click and viewed the current specials in the Newsletter.
    - ClickBodyJoin: Click and viewed the current join offer in the Newsletter.
    - ClickBodyHost: Click and viewed the current host offer in the Newsletter.
    - ClickBodyRecipe: Click and viewed the current recipe in the Newsletter.
    - ClickLinkTree, ClickFacebook, ClickYoutube, ClickTiktok, ClickInstagram: Clicked link to go to the social media site.